
Tag: content marketing

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

3 ways to add a human touch to AI-generated content

July 18, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Seventy-two percent of B2B marketers say they use generative AI to create content, but 61% say their organization has no guidelines for its use. This is a recipe for disaster. AI offers unparalleled efficiency in content creation, but we’re still […]

Big Data, Platforms & Software

The 11 Best Digital Marketing Courses Free & Paid (2024)

July 12, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

A digital marketing course is a good entry point for anyone wanting a career in SEO or online marketing. It can help to provide a basic knowledge base as a starting point. You can build many different specialized career paths, […]


9 Tips For Successful Lead Generation (Insights From Expert Brands)

July 2, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Building a quality pipeline right now is a challenge, and Google isn’t making it any easier. Changes in how traffic and leads are coming to your site have probably shifted, yet lead generation is still a top priority. It’s critical […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

8 SEO concepts explained in business terms

June 28, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Businesses can easily neglect the optimization of organic traffic. This happens because stakeholders often don’t understand how it works or its impact on company goals. Continue reading and learn how to translate SEO concepts into business terms so you can […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

SEO implementation: A comprehensive guide

June 26, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to successfully implement your SEO recommendations. We’ll also tackle one new exciting way you can implement SEO without needing CMS access or developer resources. Whether you work in-house […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

June 19, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. People have been communicating observations and data to each other for millen­nia using the same principles of persuasion that are being used today. However, the means by which we can generate […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

Google Ads rolls out new design to all markets on Aug. 30

June 10, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Google Ads is finalizing the rollout of its new design to all markets starting Aug. 30, retiring the old interface for desktop users. The big picture. First launched in 2023, the new Google Ads design overhauls how the product is […]

Automation, Marketing Technologies

Why Brands Are Firing Basic Chatbots And Onboarding More Impactful Conversational Tools

May 30, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

Today, nearly every brand’s website features a chatbot to support customer interactions. But just because chatbots are widespread doesn’t mean they provide the best possible customer experience (CX). Many scripted chatbots are clunky, unhelpful, difficult to navigate, or all of […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

The Top 10 Content Marketing Skills You Need (Plus Tips On How To Master Them)

May 30, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Want to reach more of your target audience, connect with them, and have meaningful interactions? Quality content marketing may be the ideal solution for you. But gone are the days of simply writing and releasing content. Effective content marketing requires […]


The Traffic Impact Of AI Overviews

May 28, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Two weeks after Google rolled out AI Overviews (AIOs), we can analyze early data to gauge the impact on organic traffic. I wanted to understand the impact and implications of AIOs, especially after many reports of misinformation and sometimes harmful […]


How to build a better remote team at your digital marketing agency

May 28, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Many agencies have been operating fully remotely or in a hybrid environment for four or more years. But some challenges persist, including: A lack of face-to-face interaction and inability to read body language. Over-reliance on communication tools, such as Slack. […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

How important are backlinks for SEO in 2024?

May 24, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

SEO today is more complex and challenging than at any other point. Once upon a time, not too long ago, links were the most important thing in SEO. But is that still true? This article will examine the significance of […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Improving content quality at scale with AI

May 24, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

I’ve learned through experience to be cautious when using the words “content” and “scale” close to each other in SEO because it’s usually coded-speak for creating content in large volumes, primarily for search engines. We’ve seen time and time again […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

How To Use Content Curation To Deliver Fresh Ideas Without Added Resources

May 23, 2024

Via: CMI

More content marketers should act like museum curators. Museum curators pick an exhibit theme, carefully select the artifacts, and organize them into a story that visitors will want to consume. By adopting a similar strategy, you — and, ultimately, your […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Why Even Crushing Content Failures Aren’t Mistakes

May 21, 2024

Via: CMI

Did you follow the Apple iPad Pro content debacle? Here’s a quick recap. A recent online ad for the new iPad Pro showed a large hydraulic press slowly crushing various symbols of creativity. A metronome, a piano, a record player, […]


Small Businesses’ Struggle for Marketing Confidence in Turbulent Times

May 16, 2024

Via: Convince and Convert

In a world where confidence in marketing strategies is scarce and economic uncertainties loom large, small businesses are on a quest for resilience, seeking to fortify their marketing efforts amidst the relentless pressures of running a business. The Current State […]


Amazon’s first upfront promises full-funnel advertising at scale for all

May 15, 2024

Via: Marketing Dive

Amazon on Tuesday (May 14) made a big splash with its first-ever event during upfront week, a series of confabs where media and tech companies make their advertising pitches to brands and agencies. Amazon’s shift from a digitally focused NewFronts […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

3 Contextual Link-Building Strategies That Actually Work

May 15, 2024

Via: CMI

Quality content can get your web pages ranking higher in Google search results. But contextual links can help, too. Google says the inclusion of relevant, high-quality links signals the content that includes them may be quality content, too. So, how […]

Big Data, Customer Data

How To Increase Conversions With This 6-Step Customer Journey Analysis

May 14, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

To create websites and marketing campaigns that will increase conversions, you must understand what your customers need and when they need it. What inspires a prospect to connect with you or buy your product from start to finish? How do […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

How to leverage social search for effective on-site optimization

May 10, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Experimentation is an underutilized tool in content strategy for SEO. Traditionally, we create content based on research and theory, wait months to see how it ranks, then iterate if needed – an ongoing cycle. However, the rise of social search […]