
Category: Other Technologies

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

The Evolution and Effectiveness of Billboard Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide

July 11, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

Billboard advertising, a cornerstone of out-of-home (OOH) advertising, has undergone significant transformations since its inception. This article delves into the history, evolution, and current state of billboards, exploring its transition from static displays to dynamic digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. We’ll […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Marketing: Generating Value with AI

July 1, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

AI is transforming the way brands approach and execute marketing activities. Starting with the creative process, which can be democratized to allow consumers to produce their own personalized collateral: for example, at this year’s French Open, fans could pick a […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

June 19, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. People have been communicating observations and data to each other for millen­nia using the same principles of persuasion that are being used today. However, the means by which we can generate […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Embedded Finance and How It Addresses Cash Flow Problems in Affiliate Marketing

June 12, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

Recent technological developments are driving seamless payments and more cost-effective payment options. These factors make them a key driving force in the growth of embedded finance, a market whose value is projected to surpass $228 billion by 2028. What is […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Top 5 paid search B2B lead gen strategies for 2024

April 29, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

B2B lead generation through paid search is constantly evolving. Today’s effective PPC strategies differ from previous years. B2B marketers must adapt and zero in on: Hyper-personalization using first-party data. Leveraging account-based marketing to target high-intent audiences. Engaging and educating prospects […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Get Ready For Google’s INP Metric With These 5 Tools

February 7, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a new Core Web Vital metric focused on responsiveness that is scheduled to replace First Input Delay on March 12, 2024. Optimizing for INP is easier with the right tools to monitor and track […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

5 Innovative PR Strategies to Boost Your Brand in 2024

January 17, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

The onset of a new year brings a fresh perspective, encouraging leaders to evaluate and enhance how they communicate and connect with their audiences. Brands and their leaders are presented with the opportunity to redefine and strengthen their public relations […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Drive Demand For Your Brand With These 5 Proven Digital Marketing Strategies

January 12, 2024

Via: Entrepreneur

In today’s fast-paced digital world, entrepreneurs and marketers must adapt and innovate to stay ahead. Digital marketing tactics have become a mainstay and key component of an omnichannel strategy, building brand and driving demand in competitive markets. These five strategies […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

How To Do Keyword Research For Very Specific, B2B Audiences

January 10, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

I’m taking you behind the scenes of a particularly tough keyword research brief we tackled. I’ll break down our approach, share our strategies, and reveal how we executed the research with a dash of our signature flair. By the end […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

2024 Predictions: What’s Changed In AdTech And How Will It Impact Advertising This Year?

January 9, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

2024 is here, having brought new waves of anticipation and optimism about the state of AdTech. From the overwhelming impact of artificial intelligence (AI) to the brand wars with ad blockers – this past year was saturated with events. We’ve […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

3 SMS Trends Businesses Must Know to Succeed in 2024

December 5, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Text messaging is everywhere these days, and business texting platform Text Request recently released its 2024 State of Business Texting Report (disclaimer: I work for Text Request and was part of this study). The report covers how businesses are using […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

3 Books Essential To Master Link Building

December 5, 2023

Via: Search Engine Journal

A link builder needs to look outside of the industry for inspiration to design a link building strategy. If you want to design a link building initiative that is goal-focused and adheres to the Google Search Essentials guidelines, read these […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

4 Ways to Make B2B Marketing Less Boring

November 21, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Traditional B2B marketing content may be data-rich and insightful, but it often falls short on character. When was the last time you heard anyone call a whitepaper “exciting” or a case study “riveting?” Never? Me either. The problem is that […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Utilizing the Art of Perspective in Storytelling to Better Engage With Your Audience

November 9, 2023

Via: Martech Zone

Narrative perspective is the lens through which readers experience a story, and choosing the right one can be a powerful tool in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) communications. Each version of the story uses a different narrative perspective to […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

4 Reasons Your PR Campaign Isn’t Driving Sales — and How to Fix Them

November 9, 2023

Via: Entrepreneur

Many entrepreneurs who have tried PR and then stopped say something similar: “I paid a lot for PR, but it didn’t lead to sales.” It’s certainly a frustrating situation to be in. Brand awareness is great, but it doesn’t mean […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Why augmented reality should be part of your holiday marketing strategy

November 6, 2023

Via: Marketing Dive

The holiday season is undoubtedly a pivotal time for retailers, marked by heightened consumer engagement, increased spending and the potential for lasting brand impressions. However, the ever-evolving retail and marketing landscape calls for innovative strategies to captivate the audience, and […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

The actionable guide for aligning sales and marketing

November 6, 2023

Via: Marketing Dive

LexisNexis achieved exceptional results from a multi-channel campaign supported by Terminus’ account segmentation, advertising and attribution capabilities. The following story unveils their strategic approach, control group testing methodology and the remarkable outcomes they generated. The challenge: Scenario: Pipeline gap in […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Is Speed, Not AI Technology, the Real Enemy in Marketing?

October 31, 2023

Via: CMI

More than 25 years ago, I managed one of the most innovative types of companies on the planet – a website development agency (yes, really). Remember, this was 1996. We weren’t redesigning websites. We were introducing websites to businesses. We […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Generate More Links: How to Improve Your PR Strategy

October 27, 2023

Via: Martech Zone

With a new year approaching, you likely have a new PR plan full of targets and goals. But is that plan full of the same old tactics, or are you trying to shift your media relations to embrace the new? […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

5 Findings on AIs Impact on SMB Marketing

October 25, 2023

Via: Convince and Convert

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in a transformative marketing era for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), specifically in marketing. It’s more than just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer. AI-driven tools and algorithms empower SMBs to compete with industry giants on […]