
Tag: Search Rankings

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Google: Linking To Authoritative Sites Won’t Help SEO

July 31, 2023

Via: Search Engine Journal

Google Search Advocate John Mueller recently corrected a common misunderstanding about linking to popular sites like Wikipedia while conversing online with the SEO community. Mueller was participating in a discussion on the r/SEO subreddit, where SEO experts exchange ideas and […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Developing Value Proposition For Travel Websites Through Content

November 7, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

The travel and tourism industry has undergone extreme changes over the years, and your business should be aware of how to adapt to these changes. With the rise of Google searches in the last few years, SEO is essential when […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Are Internal Links A Ranking Factor?

November 4, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

The Claim: Internal Links As A Ranking Factor What are internal links? Internal links are simply hypertext links connecting two pages on the same domain. For example: A link from one Search Engine Journal article to another within the […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Is Language A Google Ranking Factor?

October 21, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

If your target audience speaks different languages, offering your website content in multiple languages would make sense to provide a better user experience. But does offering different languages on your website affect organic search rankings? Can the way you organize […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Buying Backlinks For SEO: Yes, This Is Still A Thing

October 21, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

It wasn’t long from the time when search engine optimizers first realized the important role backlinks played in search rankings until some enterprising soul came up with the idea of selling links. Of course, it wasn’t long before bad actors […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

More Helpful Content Dos and Don’ts for New Google Update

September 27, 2022

Via: CMI

Though Google’s algorithm constantly evolves, one thing has remained relatively constant – the importance of quality content. In 2013, Google implemented your money or your life principles, recognizing pages with content related to a person’s well-being with a higher page […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Why Do Our Search Rankings Drop On Weekends?

August 23, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

Today’s Ask An SEO comes from Deimante, who asks: “Hello, I have a question regarding positions and impressions drop (Google Search Console). I have noticed the positions and impressions drop on weekends for my site. Could you explain why this […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Google On The SEO Impact Of Changing Website Hosting Location

February 24, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

Google addresses whether the changing your website hosting provider to one in a new location can impact SEO and search rankings. This topic is addressed in the latest installment of the Ask Googlebot video series on YouTube. The following question […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Keyword Stemming: Is It A Google Ranking Factor?

January 3, 2022

Via: Search Engine Journal

When people talk about keyword stemming as a ranking factor, they’re referring to Google’s ability to recognize different variations of the same word. Since Google can understand when a user enters a query with the word [monetize], it makes sense […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

SEO Best Practices: How To Create Awesome Meta Descriptions

December 23, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Meta descriptions have always been an essential optimization. Even though they do not help rankings, they do help with other goals such as improving click-through rates by tempting people to click on your listing over others that may not be […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Does URL Length Affect SEO?

October 29, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Does Google prefer shorter URLs over longer URLs? That’s an SEO myth that won’t go away. Here’s when URL length matters and when it doesn’t. URL length is the topic of discussion in the latest installment of the Ask Googlebot […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Google: Website Downtime Shouldn’t Impact Search Rankings

August 3, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Google’s John Mueller says a website going down temporarily likely won’t have a negative impact on search rankings. This is stated in response to a Reddit thread titled: “Can I recover lost Google rankings after almost 5 days of downtime?” […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Why Do Search Rankings on Some Keywords Fluctuate So Much?

April 6, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

“Why do rankings of certain keywords fluctuate a lot? For example, a particular keyword ranks 8 in the morning, 10 in the afternoon, 15 in the evening, 9 late at night. The keyword is searched from one location and one […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

18 More SEO Issues That Cause Search Rankings & Traffic to Drop

February 19, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Sometimes the factors responsible for your search rankings and traffic dropping can be difficult to detect. It could have been a change in the Google algorithm, a technical error, your server not handling bandwidth properly, or links that were sending […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

SEOs: Forget Keywords, Focus on This One Thing to Zoom Up Search Rankings

November 19, 2018

Via: Target Marketing

Every time there’s a whiff of a Google Search update in the air, SEOs around the world lose their minds. Everything from rumors to conjecture to plain fiction flies around, till the dust settles and search rankings go back to […]