

10 Creative Ways To Motivate Your Marketing Team

July 5, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Everyone loves a good pizza party, but there are many more fun and creative ways to motivate your marketing team! Motivation is about creating an environment where people can do their best work, offering incentives that meet real needs, and […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

12 SEO metrics to add to your digital PR measurement program

July 3, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

PR and communication professionals can greatly enhance their measurement strategies in today’s digital landscape by integrating SEO metrics. The traditional “funnel” approach, which starts with brand awareness, is outdated in a world where customer journeys often begin with a simple […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

Google Ads completes auto-migration of location extensions to assets

July 3, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Google Ads has finished auto-migrating location extensions to assets for most active accounts, a process announced on July 24, 2023. Why we care. This change expands the ways advertisers can use location information in their ads, potentially improving ad performance […]


9 Tips For Successful Lead Generation (Insights From Expert Brands)

July 2, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Building a quality pipeline right now is a challenge, and Google isn’t making it any easier. Changes in how traffic and leads are coming to your site have probably shifted, yet lead generation is still a top priority. It’s critical […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Organic Vs. Paid Search And Social Media: A Guide For Local Business Owners

July 2, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Local business owners consistently face a familiar digital marketing conundrum. With a myriad of options available and seemingly growing daily, including the recent introductions of AI into the mix, how do you determine the best and most effective approach for […]


How to harness marketing data to support holistic business strategy

July 1, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

An effective business strategy must align development, promotion and sales with overall business goals to ensure sustainable growth and a successful market approach. Marketing often becomes isolated from broader strategies, leading to missed opportunities, inefficiencies and a lack of visibility […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

Marketing: Generating Value with AI

July 1, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

AI is transforming the way brands approach and execute marketing activities. Starting with the creative process, which can be democratized to allow consumers to produce their own personalized collateral: for example, at this year’s French Open, fans could pick a […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

8 SEO concepts explained in business terms

June 28, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

Businesses can easily neglect the optimization of organic traffic. This happens because stakeholders often don’t understand how it works or its impact on company goals. Continue reading and learn how to translate SEO concepts into business terms so you can […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

Which Metrics Matter In PPC?

June 27, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising has evolved quite a bit since it first began in the early days of the internet. Metrics like cost per click (CPC) remain an important part of the conversation, while others (like average position) have retired. Understanding […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

SEO implementation: A comprehensive guide

June 26, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to successfully implement your SEO recommendations. We’ll also tackle one new exciting way you can implement SEO without needing CMS access or developer resources. Whether you work in-house […]

Big Data, Platforms & Software

How To Develop Great Data Studies – The 5R2 Roadmap To Great Data Story

June 26, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Part One of this book outlined the need for data storytelling, the benefits of data storytelling for the marketing function, and the prac­tical barriers that can get in the way of creating a great data story. Part Two answers the […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Data-Driven Content Strategy: Boost Google Rankings With Real Audience Insights

June 25, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

The key to creating successful, high-ranking content is understanding your audience and knowing what resonates with them. Sure, that may seem obvious – but it certainly isn’t simple, especially in today’s rapidly evolving search landscape. With Google’s frequent algorithm updates […]


Account-Based Marketing: Top Tips for an Effective Strategy

June 25, 2024

Via: Camila Mendes

Account-based marketing (ABM) is one of the fastest-growing approaches in digital marketing, increasing by 15% between 2020 and 2021. With a strategic focus on high-value accounts, ABM provides natural alignment between sales and marketing teams.  Putting a strategy in place […]


3 major hurdles in marketing campaign planning

June 24, 2024

Via: Marketing Dive

Millions of dollars at stake. Competing demands from teams. Long hours spent in brainstorm meetings. At enterprise organizations, marketing planning is a complex exercise that can quickly go sideways when stakeholders, goals, and campaigns aren’t aligned. Now that Gartner reported […]


How brands can navigate pre-election chaos on social media

June 24, 2024

Via: Marketing Dive

The political divide in the U.S. is well-documented. The Pew Research Center says a growing number of Republicans and Democrats view people in the opposite party as “more closed-minded, dishonest, immoral, and unintelligent than other Americans.” In 2020, we saw […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

5 ways to align PPC campaigns with business objectives

June 21, 2024

Via: Search Engine Land

One of the greatest failings of a PPC specialist is being unable to take a step back and see the big picture. You can get lost in the weeds of account management and focus too much on vanity metrics, bidding […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

12 Important Image SEO Tips You Need To Know

June 20, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Images often make up the largest part of webpages. They have their own tab on Google results and even their own algorithm. Appearing in image results should be part of a complete SEO strategy to reach users looking for images. […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

10 Tips On How To Rock A Small PPC Budget

June 20, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Many advertisers have a tight budget for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, making it challenging to maximize results. One of the first questions that often looms large is, “How much should we spend?” It’s a pivotal question, one that sets the stage […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Introduction To LLMs Text Embeddings For SEO With Examples

June 19, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

If you are an SEO practitioner or digital marketer reading this article, you may have experimented with AI and chatbots in your everyday work. But the question is, how can you make the most out of AI other than using […]

Marketing Technologies, Other Technologies

The Impact Of AI And Other Innovations On Data Storytelling

June 19, 2024

Via: Search Engine Journal

Storytelling is an integral part of the human experience. People have been communicating observations and data to each other for millen­nia using the same principles of persuasion that are being used today. However, the means by which we can generate […]