
Tag: Bard

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Machine Learning Examples In The Real World (And For SEO) (Festive Flashback)

December 29, 2023

Via: Search Engine Journal

As an SEO professional, you’ve heard about ChatGPT and BARD – or even used them yourself. You might also be familiar with a handful of machine learning models from Google, such as BERT and RankBrain. These are all great applications […]

Big Data, Platforms & Software

ChatGPT Vs. Bard Vs. Bing: What Are The Differences? (Festive Flashback)

December 28, 2023

Via: Search Engine Journal

Chatbots are taking the world by storm. SEO pros, writers, agencies, developers, and even teachers are discussing the changes that this technology will cause in society and how we work in our day-to-day lives. ChatGPT’s release on November 30, 2022 […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

How to use Bard to get ahead of Google algorithm updates

November 16, 2023

Via: Search Engine Land

To succeed in Google search, SEO professionals must stay updated on Google’s algorithm changes and be adaptable to evolving search trends that influence website rankings and online visibility. Enter Bard, Google’s conversational AI chatbot. Among Bard’s many potential uses, the […]

Big Data, Platforms & Software

Google to block Bard’s shared chats from showing in Google Search

September 26, 2023

Via: Search Engine Land

Google will soon block Bard’s shared conversations from appearing in Google Search. Google Bard recently came out with shared conversations that let users publicly share the chats they had with Bard. Soon after Google Search started to discover those URLs, […]