
Tag: optimization


Conversion Rate Calculator (With Optimization Slider)

January 19, 2024

Via: Martech Zone

The term Conversion Rate (CR) is pivotal for any digital marketer. It represents the percentage of visitors to a page who complete a desired action. This action could be anything from making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or […]

Automation, Marketing Technologies

Surfer: AI-Driven SEO Platform for Automated Content Creation and Optimization

July 27, 2023

Via: Martech Zone

Traditional search engine optimization (SEO) platforms often inundate users with a plethora of subjective data and reports, leading to potential confusion and misguided efforts. Their excessive data and analysis can inadvertently steer businesses and even seasoned SEO consultants toward investing […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

How To Optimize Your Blog Platform and Posts For Search Engines

July 14, 2023

Via: Martech Zone

Having a well-optimized blog is essential for gaining visibility and attracting a steady stream of organic traffic. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving your blog’s success by ensuring that it ranks higher in search engine results […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

8 simple steps to optimize your WordPress site for SEO

October 10, 2022

Via: Search Engine Land

A fast website is a crucial part of improving your SEO rank; however, guides will oftentimes give generalized statements of optimization and what it can do for your website, or go in-depth into more technical aspects that might overwhelm some […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

SEO Best Practices: How To Create Awesome Meta Descriptions

December 23, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Meta descriptions have always been an essential optimization. Even though they do not help rankings, they do help with other goals such as improving click-through rates by tempting people to click on your listing over others that may not be […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Channels

Amazon SEO Keyword Research: 3 Proven Methods

July 19, 2021

Via: Search Engine Journal

Search is the primary way people find products on Amazon, so being indexed and ranked for as many relevant keywords as possible is crucial to your success as a seller. However, hasty keyword research can lead to much frustration and […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

International SEO in 2020: 4 Key Takeaways

December 4, 2020

Via: Search Engine Journal

International SEO pros offer their unique take on optimizing for Google and Yandex. Here are some optimization insights for global websites. Enjoying its 18th year as a conference, Optimization 2020 is arguably the largest digital marketing conference in Russia. For […]


Martech Stack Optimization: 5 Insights for 2020

February 25, 2020

Via: Convince and Convert

Marketing continues to become more complex as marketing professionals have more and more marketing tactics available. Marketers need to think about content, website, mobile, SEO, SEM, programmatic advertising, video, podcasts, webinars, email, automation, personalization, data, social media, account-based marketing, affiliate […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

7 Image Optimization Tricks to Improve Your Company’s Search Results

October 29, 2019

Via: Target Marketing

Think back to your last shopping experience. If it took place online, I suspect your mind is teeming with images — and it’s no wonder. According to MIT, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. When everything else […]

Advertising Technology

Is your marketing platform really intelligent?

June 5, 2018

Via: Marketing Land

Let’s face it, the future isn’t turning out to be what we were promised in decades past. No flying cars, and the closest thing to robot butlers are Siri and Alexa. Don’t get me wrong, they’re handy in their ways: […]

Advertising Technology

5 PPC mistakes you’re probably making in your campaigns

May 29, 2018

Via: Marketing Land

Most common PPC campaign mistakes can be easily rectified. With extra awareness, time and effort, you can adjust your optimization strategy to focus on ROI instead of CPA and get better results. With some changes to the way you approach […]

Content & SEO, Marketing Technologies

What to Post on Each Social Media Platform: The Complete Guide to Optimizing Your Social Content

September 7, 2017

Via: BufferSocial

Not all content needs to be shared everywhere. And not all content is suitable for every social media platforms. It’s all right to post entirely different things on different platforms. In fact, it might even help you to boost your […]

Advertising & Branding

5 steps to optimizing your site for Google’s mobile-first index

November 17, 2016

Via: Marketing Land

Google has started testing its mobile-first index. This new index will look first at the mobile version of your website for its ranking signals and fall back on the desktop version when there is no mobile version. Google has been slowly moving toward […]

Advertising & Branding

To Succeed in Mobile, Optimize the App Store Experience

October 18, 2016

Via: Ad Age

Building a great mobile app is not enough for success. When planning your app marketing strategy, you probably sketched out a conversion funnel. But in that funnel is an unskippable step over which you have very little control: the download […]

Platforms & Software

Three ways to optimize for Amazon’s pricing strategy

March 28, 2016

Via: Econsultancy blog

Retailers using the marketplace have spoken out about drastic undercutting from Amazon as a retailer, especially because they reprice with such high frequency (changing the price of the bible 100 times in five years). But what’s Amazon’s actual strategy when […]

Marketing Channels, Web Advertising

7 Strategies for Optimizing Your WordPress Website

March 14, 2016

Via: Social Media Today

For entrepreneurs, WordPress is considered an excellent platform to create websites for their startup or small business. This content management service (CMS) is used by millions of business owners around the world – more than 400 million websites worldwide are powered […]