5 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2022

April 8, 2022

Marketers everywhere have experienced numerous challenges during the last two years. As the COVID-19 pandemic went on to become a global healthcare crisis, digital marketing strategies needed to be adjusted—applicable to business plans for most industries around the world. Although this situation seems to be nearing its end, a new geopolitical crisis has also emerged as Russia decided to invade Ukraine. During these turbulent times, marketers across the globe struggle to adapt their digital marketing strategies to what has now become “the new normal”: Living with uncertainty. 

It’s a known fact that our brains perceive uncertainty as a threat, and people everywhere seem to crave information about the future in the same way they need to have certain basic needs met. Living with numerous doubts and worries about the future ultimately makes people perform more poorly than expected, and they make mistakes even when executing simple tasks that were once simple. Marketers are no exception to this phenomenon, and various marketers might find themselves overwhelmed by worries that disrupt their ability to focus on the tasks at hand. This is precisely why marketers should take note of these five common digital marketing mistakes to avoid in 2022.

Not following a carefully developed strategy

With so many uncertainties plaguing the world, it comes as no surprise that more and more professionals have started to use improvisation as a strategy. However, while creativity and spontaneity are essential qualities for marketers, and even more so during tumultuous times, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is a must. Marketers should continue to try to determine the media channels that will best help their brands reach new customers, and develop creative campaigns that will create strong connections with those customers. Increasing brand awareness, and boosting conversions and sales remain vital for any business, as well as following a carefully developed strategy.

Ignoring the fact that emotion matters 

Marketers are not alone in dealing with issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In fact, recent research shows that not only are 61% of Americans now trying to break the unhealthy habits developed during the pandemic, but the crisis also changed numerous shopping habits in the U.S. and abroad. People everywhere turn to new habits as a way of dealing with difficult situations and emotions. Marketers should study these habits, and also provide their customers with content that might help them deal with anxiety and other negative emotions.

Not creating a good social media strategy

According to Statista, the average time spent on social media worldwide amounted to 147 minutes per day in 2022—up from 145 minutes in 2021. This means more people are now spending an increasing amount of time on social media platforms, making these platforms essential to any digital marketing strategy. While creating an effective digital marketing strategy is vital for any business, marketers should know that a good social media strategy is one of the most important, if not the most important, part of that plan. Social media platforms can now be used in various ways, including advertising, customer service, and content marketing.

Treating all people like potential customers

The world has more than its fair share of problems nowadays. Empathy remains an essential quality when creating new content that engages people everywhere, and it should also remain at the core of any new marketing strategy. Marketers should develop new strategies with a key understanding of their brand’s core values, to make room for authenticity and integrity as they boost brand awareness.

Not preparing for the future

The COVID-19 pandemic has ultimately proved that the future is already here, whether we like it or not. New technologies proved essential during this healthcare crisis, both for work and leisure. Marketers should continue to invest in new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) that will help their brands leave competitors behind. While standing out in a crowd is not easy in the digital age, new technologies and platforms are some of the greatest assets for a company—especially when promoting its brands. 

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