

Automation, Big Data, Customer Data, Marketing Technologies

Machine Learning? I Don’t Think Those Words Mean What You Think They Mean

June 27, 2019

Via: Target Marketing

I find more and more people use the term “machine learning” when they really mean to say “modeling.” I guess that is like calling all types of data activities — with big and small data — “Big Data.” And that’s […]

Big Data, Customer Data

How Marketers Can Throw Away Data, Without Regrets

May 30, 2019

Via: Target Marketing

Last month, I talked about data hoarders (refer to “Don’t Be a Data Hoarder”). This time, let me share some ideas about how to throw away data. I heard about people who specialize in cleaning other people’s closets and storage […]

Big Data, Platforms & Software

Big Data is Great, but Don’t Overlook the Power of Small Data

November 2, 2018

Via: Chief Marketer

Big data continues to capture the imaginations—and budgets—of brand marketers across industries, but should it? Certainly the ability to harness huge data sets, collect vast ranges of data types in real-time, and mine that data for insights can yield profound […]

Big Data, Customer Data

Don’t Let Old Habits Dictate Your Marketing Thoughts

May 24, 2018

Via: Target Marketing

When marketers play with data, we often get confined within the limitations of the datasets that are available to us, or worse, tool sets through which we get to access data. Some bad habits live through an organization for multiple […]