It’s Time to Ditch the Paid/Earned/ Shared/Owned Model of Ad Tech

It’s Time to Ditch the Paid/Earned/ Shared/Owned Model of Ad Tech

July 8, 2016

Via: Ad Age

Before the great ad-tech boom, the advertising model was straightforward — if not simple. The “four Ps” dominated the modern marketing machine, with “promotion” being universally understood as paid media and sales promotions. End of story.

Then digital happened and the old model collapsed in a heap of bytes and algorithms and platforms. As marketers struggled to make sense of it all, technologists filled the void, creating architectures organized into ever fragmenting tech segments.

This is the origin of the paid/earned/owned (PEO) model. In just a few years, it took off, morphing into the expanded PESO model we know today.

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